Beiträge von harvester


    Highscore ist (tw. mit mir) wie sicher Einige mitbekommen haben am "Evaluieren" mit tuneecu. Uns sind die Zahlenwerte in den Tabellen noch nicht klar: Was bedeuten die Werte im Einzelnen? Falls das bereits jemand weiß, würde uns das im Vorhinein denke ich viel Arbeit erspraren :ja::grins::knie nieder:


    Sorry for the English.. If I understand well, you installed a 07 map on a 06 SD?! Why? 05 and 06 SuperDukes have the same engine, but from 2007 they have different camshafts and some other little things.. Hope you just used the map for a short time.. I saw you on forum, just read the TuneECU thread..
    On 05-06 SD try this map if you have modified opened airbox (eg. from Highscore or Motohooligan) + opened mufflers + SAS blockoffs/blocked SAS (O2 eliminators are not necessary, you can turn off the lambda-probes in TuneECU):
    05_06 Klinck_Moto_Akra_map.hex - he has Motohooligan airbox + original PCIII O2 eliminators + Akras without dB-killers - the map controlls the secondary butterflies too

    You can check the custom maps here:

    Thx, ktmjunkie :Kürbis:

    I see this is a multi-language forum sometimes :grins:
    I can not understand some things about the "Kastl" (Powerizer) because it is in German :nein:
    It is better in power gains / snatchiness elimination than a Power Commander III? Can be easier configured? (dyno experts not familiars with it, only the PCIII)

    My 06 is very snatchy right now, I will set the throttle bodies first in 1-2 days, reset the ECU at my dealer if it doesn't help, then go for O2 eliminators and finally I have to go for a Remus Powerizer / PCIII / "Kastl".. :sehe sterne: