Beiträge von Porta

    Hi everyone.

    I'm new here ,and i dont speak or write german ,but i hope you understand what i write in english.
    I'm a Duke II rider from Norway who needs a few tips from some experts.
    My problem is that i cant seem to get the exhaustheader free from leaks. I am about to try some Holts GunGum ,but will that seal the leaks?
    The leaks are worst where the headersystem meats the sylinder.
    If the leaks cant be sealed,then i'm thinking of buying a complete Sebring system ,are Sebring good for Duke II?

    The bike will be perfect when all this is done.

    My mods so far:
    Leaky Schneider Header system :)
    KTM Rallye camshaft MSP 3/1
    Mikuni TMR41 Carb
    BMC airfilter
    Modified stock mufflers