Beiträge von jmann

    Sorry I only speak English (Australian) so your message is Goggle translated. Are you suggesting that you've got to the stage where you are considering a "brute force" method to try to guess a password challenge (public-private keys)? If so, how did you get to that stage as all I can see on the CanBus are unknown PID's.

    To my knowledge, each control unit is equipped with a special code encoded (is also obvious because otherwise you would not get a grip) - which probably only KTM or the dealer gets when he is online. Thus, the will be difficult ... I'm waiting in this regard nor a response from Alain (whether he knows more) but unfortunately nothing comes.
    since then there's only the option with brute-force and strong CPU / graphics card to be calculated, provided one knows the algorithm AND the key length is not too long and a few other things ... but that's another topic ...